A series of regularly spaced tones ranging from
black to white through shades of gray.
When contemplating the name of her design business, the term Grayscale spoke to founder Misty Gray. Quite literally, it is a play on her given name, yet it has an even greater connection to her design philosophy.
With over a decade of experience working with clients, committees, design professionals, and builders, Misty has witnessed the fluidity necessary for a successful project. In the world of custom interiors, there is never a black or white answer. Instead, answers lie in the gray, in the blend of functionality, form, and aesthetics.
With a BFA in Interior Design from the New England School of Art & Design, Misty Gray combines her technical skills of spacial design with a trained eye for exquisite items.
Misty loves to travel the world with camera in hand, jet setting to tropical jungles, or exploring new cities; she is always searching for inspiration to bring into her designs. When at home, she is on the lookout for new local restaurants to feed her foodie soul or cooking for friends. Throughout the year, she and her husband enjoy spending time in Newport, RI.